These two words have been the theme as I have been trying to type this blog for the past week, my attempts at simplicity are to no avail. It has been a very muddy while as I attempt to swim through my thoughts... and mind you, mud is not easy to maneuver in, let alone swim in.
I want to write about how there are days where Spanish comes easy and I surprise myself with the ease and fluidity of my speech while others I sound like a skipping record and people have to use all of their creative abilities to extrapolate any sort of meaning(it's fun for all).
I want to write about the frequent occurrence of grandparents being dropped off at the hospitals never to be retrieved again by their own children. Their children seeing them as a burden and disown them with literally nothing but the clothes on their back.. How heart breaking it is to know that one human being could do this another, especially their own parent. But how wonderful it is that others show such generosity and kindness by taken them in.
I want to write about the sadness I feel due to the corruption, lack of social services, injustice, deaths and missing persons caused by standing up for yourself, your home, your family and the numerous homeless children on the streets that sniff glue to ease the pain of being homeless, hungry and alone. And how incredible it is that compassionate people exist, people who see this suffering and because of it give what they can to help.
I want to write about stunning beauty of this misunderstood country and how it is just one of many misunderstood countries in the world. How I wonder what would happen if we all just opened our minds to be a little less fearful, a little less judgmental and opened our hearts to love and accept just a little bit more, what would happen?
I want to write about how life is about perspective and how perspective is reality. We each create our own perspective which in turn allows us to create our own reality. It is what we choose to see and believe in that shapes and forms ourselves, our worlds, our lives...
What a beautiful post Audra. I think you made it through the mud just fine. I remember when your mother and Uncle Gerald and I were down by the Tilton river in Morton we found some very very soft sand we could stand on it and sink down we only let it go to our knees we were very lucky we did not get hurt. My point is I don't think we were lucky I look back now and realize that Heavenly Father was watching over us as we had much to do. I see Fathers hand in many many things but we have to drag ourselves though the MUD to become a stronger more Christ like person. You keep up the good work and keep learning. I can tell you this Father has a plan for you and you are doing one fine job getting there. Love YA!!!!!!! Aunt Sue
I love to read your posts. You write so beautifully, it's like poetry. The images and thought your writting brings to mind are really inspiring. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with us.
An other beautiful "blog" you have a great gift, thank you for sharing it with us. We get to see all these things thru you eyes and mind - again thank you. We here live such sheltered lives and it is hard to comprehend just what the other countries have as everyday life, and how cruel (the bad people)they can be to their own people with no regard to life. I pray daily for your safety and will being, still have you on the pray list at church so you are covered with many guardian angels. Talked with your Mom this morning and she is excited about her trip and visiting you, she will have great stories to share. Jon and Katie are expecting in July, still not sure if it is to be twins, will know in a few weeks, my adventure will be going to Utah to help when the baby(ies) come
This is the week for the christmas parties, so far had one on Tues, then Wed., another tonight Fri, Sat and then again on Sunday then we are thru for the year. Felise Navada (my spanish really is limited also the spelling) oh well Merry Christmas!
Blessing to you Sweetie! Love you!!
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