Monday, August 8, 2011

I have hardly had any time to sleep between work and adventures, but I have no complaints so far.

On the fish front, this year has been one of the best years for salmon that they have had in a long time. I think it's the highest run maybe in history, which means lots of work! Aside from dealing with fish at work, I've also been out fishing in Kaitlin's back yard a few times. Catching the fish definitely takes some skill, but it is fun watching the fish swim right up by your feet and jump inches from the pole.

Last week at work we spent over 24 hours straight off loading boats. It was so much fun! I like working hard until my body feels like it cannot do any more, then taking a hot shower and falling asleep. I enjoy working on the docks with the fisherman and the other fellows. I started out as the tally girl, but have bounced around trying to learn as much as possible. I've driven the fork lift, the truck (one of the crazy big ones) with a boat trailer, the skiff, and worked on the sorting tables. The work is hard with long hours but it doesn't seem to get to me. The work is intense and I get so focused that I often forget about the cold dusk or the slimy fish.

One of my favorite parts of working on the docks has been watching the midnight sunset over Kenai. It casts a magnificent glow over the mouth of the river and the snow covered Mt. Redoubt across the inlet. The sunsets are breath taking. As the sun sets in its beautiful way, I rotate just a little bit to watch the moonrise over Soldotna. A few weeks back when the full moon was up, it looked so close I wanted to reach out to see if I could touch it. Then within a few hours of almost darkness the sunrises and a fresh, new day begins.

None of what I am doing is anything close to what I could have dreamed of. I've tried wrapping my mind around my experience here, but haven't come close to finding words. I always thought it was cliche when people would tell me I was having the experience of a lifetime, that I would never forget. When a fisherman said that to me the other night, I realized he was right. Ever since the day I got here, I have felt at peace and full of joy. I think a part of it has been being willing to experience any opportunity that come my way, without expectations or reservations. Being open has allowed me enjoy being present in the moment I am in, with the incredible people I am with.


Anonymous said...

Wow Audra! I'm always amazed at your adventures and love hearing about them. Your posts are fun to read. - Mary B

Polly McMahon said...

Audra! I hope you will stay in Alaska for a winter adventure! I sure love that giant halibut you caught! WOW!!!!!!
Many decades ago I worked summers "heading shrimp" in the Fla Keys and I well remember the smell of fish, the gulls, and the salt ocean. I hear, even now, the waves lapping the dock and feel the swaying dock as shrimp crates were hauled aboard.

I never caught a halibut but I have eaten many. Your adventure of an Alaskan winter will be worth all obstacles. Let me know if you want us to start an Audra Alaska fund to purchase warm gloves for you! Enjoy that adventure and fuel that great soul of yours! Love, Polly



I posted more pictures on 9/13, click here to view