I had the opportunity to attend the Episcopal Church’s General Convention in Anaheim, California a few weeks back. Since returning to Bogota I have been digesting my experiences during convention and in Colombia. After a few days away from Colombia I returned feeling revived and inspired, especially after having had the opportunity at General Convention to share with others what Colombia is like. So aside from learning a great deal about the Episcopal Church, what really struck my heart was an overwhelming emotion for the United States and Colombia. The interest people in the states took in wanting to learn and be open about Colombia, offered hope that the perception of this greatly misunderstood country is changing one person at a time.

This time around when it came to answering to these same questions I was able to answer with honesty and experience. I was able to share all of the knowledge about this country I had; how incredibly hospitable, loving and kind everyone is. How wonderful, diverse and rich in culture this country is. And when you arrive in Colombia you will feel like you are living in a different world, not because everyone speaks a foreign language or because the food tastes different, but rather because of how the people will make you feel, welcomed, loved and cared for, stranger or not.
Auuudra...thank you for sharing so eloquently about these beautiful countries, amazing people and for broadening my perspective. You are indeed a gift to us.
Your photos are so beautiful and I've enjoyed catching up with you in these last few posts. I know YOU were a gift to all you spent time with in Anaheim. I'm looking forward to a weekend at CC in a few weeks - eager to see your mom and to just share some downtime with wonderful women.
I've spent the last few weeks (only one hour shifts - nothing too intense) with the Childrens' Home Society summer camp program at the Walla Walla Farm Labor Camp. I've been sitting with a varied level group of boys and girls, all Spanish speakers, reading and writing. They need this camp so much as they have a tendency to forget the English they've learned during the school year - for, of course, their families only speak Spanish at home. It has been a heart warming experience to be with kids so distant at first and yet, so eager to share stories and to attempt their reading and writing assignments with just a little encouragement from me. So you can consider me "an old lady Audra" working close to home:))))) Keep up the good work you're doing! You're an inspiration to many.
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