Dance photos are up, click here to view: http://picasaweb.google.com/akrislock/Bogota#
Oscar was supposed to come home from the hospital last night and my heart sank when Myriam walked through the door alone. Every time Oscar gets close to leaving along comes another complication. The worst was a fall he had last week, causing much concern and now Myriam is spending not only her days with him, but nights also. Her sister-in-law helps out by taking a shift when she is able to so Myriam can run home to shower and take a quick nap. The few times I do see Myriam she shows me family photo albums while explaining each photo, telling me wonderful stories so full of love and life.
I am unsure of how to explain my thoughts so instead here are two quotes that come to mind, "tell me what is your plan to do with your one wild and precious life." Mary Oliver. And, "Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold." by Zelda Fitzgerald
Prom was great. Dr. Santos(my coworker) his wife's nephew was graduating from high school. The families of the graduates, cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles all attended... In the hotel they had long tables set up with waiters serving drinks and appetizers and the majority of the people danced til the wee hours of the morning. The hotel was still packed when I looked at my watch for the first time surprised to see it was 3:30 a.m.
My date(Carlos) was an amazing dancer and was patient enough to teach me a thing or two. I picked up the dances pretty quickly and was excited that I was able to keep up until Carlos got excited also and started adding fancy footwork while explaining all sorts of things. I strained to hear him over the sub woofer we seemed to be dancing in and would focus so much on what he was saying that I would forget to keep my feet moving.
As my friend Alice and I were enjoying coffee hour at church this past week, they announced a bazaar this coming Sunday. Alice turned to me and said, "too bad we don't have anything to sell." Not sure if she was serious or not I found myself saying jokingly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "um, brownies." Well, Alice thought this was a fantastic idea, so we now have a booth of brownies and no bake cookies. Please do stop by if you'd like to buy some of the world's best baked goods, it'd be great to see you.
It sure sounds like Oscar and his family are being having a time of it but is also sounds like they love each other very much. It just makes us understand so much more that we need to love each other and keep the memories alive.
I think also that there are going to be some very happy people at the bazaar when they get those brownies and no bakes. Love YA!!!! Aunt Sue
I would definitely buy some of your brownies!! Glad the dance was a success - F. Steve winced when I said you looked at your watch for the first time at 3:30 a.m. Egad, to be young again......I don't really think HE was ever that young:)
Audra, You are turning into quite the "social butterfly" good for you. I will take a dozen of the brownis please. Question? I was planning on makeing brownies today myself, and since "we" put cayanne in our hot chocolate and truffles, I wonder how that would taste in the brownies, I will give it a try and let you know.
I am still working on the pictures to send, there will be some of Douglas cutting down the Ash tree in the side yard, that was quite an endever. We did this before the leaves fell so getting the yard ready for winter was much easier, and the yard looks much better.
A hello to you from Rhonda Kelley, she is working at the Rockwood Clinic Therapy place where I go, she is finishing up at WSU and then will go for a degree in physical therapy, she was really excite to hear how you are doing and where you are.
We will know this next week if Jon and Katie are expecting, I am still hoping for twins, if so I told them that I would come spend a month with them (they are in Orem, Utah now) and help out.
Take are little one, you are still on the pray list at church and in my daily's also. Exciting news about Stacy, you girls do get around - Go Girls!
Love you and God Bless
I love brownies, and cookies, and cake, and chocolate, and well most types of sugar filled substances, especially when they come out of an unfamiliar oven in an unfamiliar shape and texture. I trust you are behaving, and I hope you are having a wonderful pseudo-Thanksgiving.
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