Oscar has returned home which means Myriam will now be getting a full nights rest. Now it's story time...
On Monday I gave Myriam some brownies from the bake sale to share with Oscar in the hospital(his sweet tooth is almost as big as mine). Last night after Oscar arrived home, Myriam went out to run some errands. I was reading in my room when the banging of cupboards started in the kitchen. I assumed Oscar was just so overjoyed to be home he was nostalgically looking through everything, touching anything he could.
Well, that wasn't the case and within moments he appeared at my door very collected with his hands folded over his belly, very politely with an hint of serious concern in his voice, he stated, "Myriam told me that you made brownies, and well, I had one on Monday but I cannot seem to find the rest of them anywhere." How could I stop from smiling? I had to inform him that all the brownies had been consumed early in the week.
"Oh, I see. Well, what are the ingredients?" I listed the ingredients.
"That's it? When can you teach me to make brownies?"
"Saturday or Sunday I have time."
"Great, Saturday we'll make brownies together. Does the oven work?"
"Yes the oven works."
Today my office mates were determined to find turkey and mashed potatoes to celebrate Thanksgiving. We also found mini pies.
Today I learned how to belay rock climbing and teach Alice how to do a proper 'ocho' knot.
The sun is out for a few moments and I am so thankful to be here, learning all that I am learning, while being supported and encouraged by so many wonderful people. For all of this and all of you, I am thankful.
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