Sleep is wonderful and good. It is even better when you get
a full night of it. Since moving into the little trailer I have yet to experience a
full night of good, wonderful sleep.
The first night I was pretty stoked. The air was thick and
the Christmas lights made my new home glow, putting my imaginations work to
reality. The fan was cranked, the birds were chirping, and in my hand was a
cold can of ginger cider. Life was beautiful.
Eventually, my energy simmered and into sleep I went.
Around 4 a.m. I awoke to what sounded like a little girl
screaming. Being startled and half awake, I wondered if an exorcism was happening.
Seeing the movie trailer for that movie gave me goose bumps, but the thought of
that little girl standing outside of my trailer was worse than a nightmare.
Finally, coming to enough sense, the voice sounded more like a cat meow than a
little girl. “Right,” I thought to myself, “the cat is still outside.” Thank
Standing up to let her in, it hit me that I absolutely had
to go to the bathroom. Feeling a bit like a pinball while searching for my shoes,
sweatshirt, flashlight, and glasses, I made the executive decision that slippers
would be enough. The rapid flee to the washroom happened in record time. This would
be the first time I’d used this specific washroom. 4 a.m. was the perfect time
to realize there was no toilet paper, paper towels, soap or anything. “No big
deal,” I told myself, this is what roughing it is all about.
Running back across the lawn, the huge holes in the toes of
my wool slippers became enemies as the damp grass saturated them. Not
in such a hurry, I also noticed the beautiful sunrise and the goose bumps on my
arms. Quickly, I stumbled over Jinx to find my bed ready to top off the morning
with a few more hours of cozy sleep. And there I lay at 4:30 a.m., wide-awake
with soggy toes, shielding my eyes from the sun.