Friday, October 18, 2013

smelling the roses

The past week has been beautifully sunny and clear. The clear skies generally mean chilled mornings at the lake, but I love it nonetheless. The sun highlights the vibrant colors of fall and makes stunning a appearance on the rise. Some mornings, I cannot help bursting out in amazement, "Look how pretty it is!" My voice echos across the lake, and we keep on rowing.  

For awhile, uncertainty terrorized my thoughts about being in Victoria. Now, that I am making friends on the rowing team, talking with professionals about career options, and exploring more of the city and bike paths, I feel more settled. Finally, I stopped waking up confused and wondering where where I was. And little Jinx is taking the move well. She loves sprinting along the rafters of the studio, and finding all the new smells and curious things outside.

The first few weeks of school I was biking everywhere. I felt cool on my new bike, dodging parked cars and pedestrians. Usually by the time I arrived anywhere sweat was dripping and I was smelly. I began to notice how intent I had become on going as hard and fast as my body will allow. So focused in fact, that I failed to notice the path I was actually on, which is absolutely gorgeous. The most recent trail I have been enjoying has a tree tunnel lined traveling over a lake, by a school, homes, many pastures and farm land. With the lush vegetation, and the birds singing, it feels as though I wandered into some secret garden. Who would want to opt out on an experience like that?

When I forget to take time to smell the roses, I fail to notice the world around me as I focus so intently on a destination. If I take even just a few seconds to appreciate a moment, usually I see the beauty around me, it can be found anywhere. Plus, arriving at the destination is much more pleasant. With this in mind, I decided that while out and about, I will take time to stop and smell the roses. And the fact of the matter is, it really does work! Last night as I was on my way to the market, I turned the corner and saw the delicate, almost full moon hanging low, just above the tree line. I exclaimed out loud, "Is that for real?!" Soon enough, I may find a more graceful way of expression, but for the time being, this is how it goes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Oh how I have a deep and profound love of fall. Today is gorgeous with the bright sun, the blue sky and the faint ripple of white clouds floating in the sky. This is an surprisingly nice day for fall in Victoria. Sitting in the cafe with the sun beating through the cracked window makes it feels like summer is back, but the world outside begs to differ. The trees are yellowing, some have turned to the vibrant fall red, and crispy leaves are beginning to litter the sidewalks and streets. Lately, as I roll out of bed for practice, the crispy air has been bone chilling and lingers throughout the day. Today is different.

Practice begins at 5:30 am. The weather varies from cold, wet, foggy, windy, or calm and clear. Just waking up so early to enter the various elements is the first challenge to overcome. Getting onto the water and getting everyone's mind and body to wake up and row is the second. Then, pushing ourselves to row harder and faster, or longer than we thought we could is the third. There are times when I feel like giving up, someone is there to encourage me to make it to the end. To keep pushing ourselves beyond what we thought we could. Together we are stronger, and we can do it.

School is plugging along and making me wonder why I agreed to the crazy thoughts that brought me here. Studying is getting easier the less I resist it. Understanding the material is opening up an exciting and curious part of my mind. And, it is really bringing my awareness to the skills that come easily to me and the ones that I struggle with. 

Not only am I pushing myself mentally, I am physically challenging myself. Joining the rowing team on a whim was an excellent decision. Realizing how incredible I feel being active and remembering that I can push myself further than I think I can go carries over into school and life.

I admire the dedicated and hardworking people that put so much of themselves into what they do. We are all so capable of being incredible, and when we open ourselves up to receiving that, our worlds change. 



I posted more pictures on 9/13, click here to view