I am sure that you would rather hear from Audra, mi hija, yet thought it might be fun to offer reflections of her during her time away.
After arriving in Bogota last Thursday night, it was fun to meet Laura Catherine and check out their apartment. I may be busy after we return to Bogota. It is wonderful that they have a safe place to stay - certainly helps from a mother´s point of view. As you know Audra is an amazing person who tends to develop relationships and cultivate love and respect where ever she goes. We stop and speak with the guards and all of the people working in the office. All conversations are antimated, with lots of expressions. It is a gift to be here and to listen to her. My limited spanish, with comprehension beyond my ability is a challenge, yet the positive, caring attitudes are unmistakable. There is love, laughter and joy all around.
Oscar and Myriam joined the rest of the office for a birthday celebration with cake and wine in the office Friday. It felt right at home and could have been Bishop Waggoner laughing and taking photos. Salud. We dispersed the gifts sent by Bishop Waggoner and of course cookies from home. Audra made sure that EVERYONE received something.
I do need to say that they will probably roll me off the plane when I return home. It feels as if we are eating all of the time, such good food although my lack of exercise will show. It is good that Audra heads to the climbing gym which is right around the corner. No clue what I will do!
Returning to visit Quito and Audra's former host family has been incredible. As they have challenged my spanish, providing opportunities to speak and Audra´s as well. The biggest challenge seems to be the merging of the two languages, I completely understand how Spanglish came into being. Our visit to the Colombian Consulate was discouraging yet, perhaps a gift as well. They did not like the word ´'volunteer' and denied her attempt for a visa. We will see where this goes. Tomorrow we head out to Panama and a visit with my friend from high school. You don´t want to know how long that has been...please!
What a gift to be with loving friends who have opened their hearts and homes to Audra. As we continue on our adventure we will post photos and perhaps offer a mother-daughter reflection of a land that is beautiful beyond words, and people who have so much to offer us and all of creation.
Over the years, I have enjoyed taking my time to explore all the different curiosities in life. This is where I share some of my thoughts, reflections and ah-ha moments. So, take a look around, and thank you for stopping by.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Golden Birthday

These past two weeks are now finally catching up with me as I feel the rush excitement melt into exhaustion. Since Laura-Catherine arrived we have been all over the city, running errands, exploring, dancing, climbing and shopping. The down time we do have is usually spent prepping meals, washing dishes or finding a solution to a unique ‘apartment situation’ that has arisen. Today we had another early morning and now at 3 p.m., as I try to put these thoughts of mine into words, I find myself daydreaming/sleeping about my bed loaded with a think warm layer of blankets. Thankfully, my squeaky and somewhat wobbly office chair keeps me from drifting too far away.
Having a partner in crime (Laura-Catherine) to share this experience with has been wonderful. We have a lot in common, and we are really getting into the dramatic Spanish soap operas. Luckily, we enjoy a lot of the same foods, which makes shopping a breeze, most of the time. We can get a little carried away at the supermarket with wide selection of exotic foods, well actually it doesn’t matter if they are exotic foods, just food in general. We both love to cook.
About once a week I visit with Myriam and Oscar for Spanish classes, which mostly turn into conversations and story telling. I am surprised with how quickly the time passes, mostly being surprised by the fact that we are conversing with such ease in Spanish. I can now get through quite a bit of the conversation without having to stop and question a word and it feels so, so great. Now, I just need to work on a few things that get lost in translation, like my ‘sense of humor’.

Quick introduction for those of you who have not had the divine pleasure of meeting the wonderful and lovely Evita Krislock, she is my mother. Now that formal introductions are out of the way, I can share with you that in one day she will be arriving here, where I am, just a few degrees above the equator, in the majestic mountain setting of Bogota… Saturday we will zip off to visit friends in Ecuador, then on to sunny and scorpion filled Panama and only to return a week and a few days later to the beautiful Bogota. What an incredible birthday present, and I didn't even have to blow out any candles for this wish to come true. I'll see if I can get her to write a blog entry for a different perspective on a Colombian experience...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
la vida nueva

My brain is exhausted. I am exhausted. The speed of life has gone from a nice comfortable cruise of 20 mph to rapid 75 mph. Myriam, Oscar and I celebrated Christmas in Subachoque, returned to wash some clothes before we again left the city to Villa de Leyva where we spent a week over New Years. From there it was straight back to work where I began a grant for United Thank Offering, started packing up my room, and preparing the office and apartment for Laura-Catherine’s arrival. And since Laura-Catherine safely arrived Wednesday night, we have spoken about 10 minutes of English and about a million and one hours of Spanish as we run all over the city finding things to transform the apartment into a livable space. Monday, another national holiday, we finally had time to sit and relax for a few hours.
We have moved into the basement apartment of the church, our home. It is wonderful, a little cool temperature-wise but we’ve found that fresh hot chocolate helps take out the chill. Our thighs are growing strong due to the lack of a toilet seat, the cold showers help wake us up in the mornings and preparing our own meals with fresh fruits and vegetables is a definite plus.
I am discovering the deeper I travel into this experience, the more I fall in love with Bogota, Colombia. I am thankful for my experience these past 4 months, all that I have learned; the time I have had to become comfortable with the language, the people, and myself in another culture. Now that Laura-Catherine is here it is nice to have someone to share this experience with and it is transforming into a completely different adventure- nothing short of amazing. It is a mystery why and how some things work out they way they do. There are times where you are able to prepare yourself, prepare yourself for moments, for what will come next, for life, while others need to be spent embracing the mystery, trusting ambiguity, it is all just as rich.
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