Point #1 peanut butter in candy doesn't exist here, I have yet to see even a jar of it on the shelf in the store, and a stash of chocolate is necessary to the life of Audra.
Last night I walked home from the office all by myself! This may not sound like a big deal but it really was. My coworkers and host family have gone out of their way to make sure I know the routes and feel safe. On my 10 minute walk from work to home I pass bakeries, 1 huge grocery story, a handful of armed police officers, and about 9 pet stores(just on my block).
Point# 2 I so very much appreciate their concern for my safety but realizing I could stop in any one of the stores without asking was a mini high.
My host dad is now back at the apartment. Whether he is improving or stagnating, I am not sure of what to tell you. Physically, he is healing, walking better, his hair is growing back, he cracks jokes once in awhile. As for being himself, he still isn't, he has trouble remembering some things and his personality is still off, the doctor says it will take around 3 months to fully recover. His 10 brothers and sisters, plus cousins, aunts and uncles have been here every day, talking with him, helping my host mother, it is incredible. Please continue your prayers for him and the rest of the family.
Point #3 Faith is keeping my family going, the love, the memories, each other, and the numerous people from community who come to give their love, support and time. I am at a loss of words for explaining my thoughts and feelings here.
Point #4 everything all in one:
- Mailing information!!! DO NOT send packages regular mail, unless you send it now, there is a chance I might get it before I leave. Send packages with Fedex or DHL, usually takes a week and everything arrives in the package. and make sure you include peanut butter/caramel/mint chocolate of some sort
- In order to get a visa I have to leave the country, not having a visa makes taking language classes a challenge, and I am not sure if I will actually get a visa.
- I am beginning to miss things about the northwest. Homemade jams, fresh apple cider, the changing of seasons, being able to access nature, mountains, bodies of water safely within a 30 minute drive, familiar live music, and microbrews...